Parking passes are required on Saturdays. The Orientation Center and Cafe are open Thursdays – Saturdays. The property is closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.

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Bright red fall foliage along a forest path


Finally Fall: America Recycles Day

Do you know what's special about November the 15th? It's America Recycles Day! The National Recycling Coalition first introduced this nationwide initiative in 1997 - 2020 is the 23rd anniversary of America Recycles Day. To immerse yourself in this special day, let's learn more about this initiative, as well as take time to think about how you reduce, reuse, and recycle in your own household. Learn the recycling guidelines - important rules that not everyone knows about recycling. You can even learn how to make your own DIY all-purpose cleaner in this resource!

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Nov 6, 2022

Wild is the music of the autumnal winds amongst the faded woods.

William Wordsworth

Fall is a perfect time to get outside and we hope that our November articles will inspire your next open-air explorations and prompt your further investigations.  This is a busy time for nature, and we will highlight just a few of the happenings that occur above our heads, on ground level, and even beneath our feet as the displays of color, beauty and activities contribute to the concert of autumnal abundance.

Do you know what's special about November the 15th? It's America Recycles Day! The National Recycling Coalition first introduced this nationwide initiative in 1997 - 2020 is the 23rd anniversary of America Recycles Day. To immerse yourself in this special day, let's learn more about this initiative, as well as take time to think about how you reduce, reuse, and recycle in your own household. Learn the recycling guidelines - important rules that not everyone knows about recycling. You can even learn how to make your own DIY all-purpose cleaner in this resource!

Download the full PDF here.

This resource was created by Abigail Schmid and Kate Reilly.

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Tags: Sustainability

November 6, 2022