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Snags, Limbs, and Logs

You can do this activity anywhere you can find fallen tree snags, limbs, and logs. Try this activity while on a nature trail, in a nearby park, or even in your backyard. As you explore nature, you will discover a number of dead trees (snags), dead limbs, and logs in the wilderness. See if you can use binoculars, field guides, and online resources to identify what animals are using the dead trees as a home.

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Jul 6, 2022

You can do this activity anywhere you can find fallen tree snags, limbs, and logs. Try this activity while on a nature trail, in a nearby park, or even in your backyard.

As you explore nature, you will discover a number of dead trees (snags), dead limbs, and logs in the wilderness. Did you know these dead trees play an important role in nature? There is life in wood! Many animal residents call dead trees home. These landscape features are important parts of habitats. One estimate suggests up to 2/3 of all species rely on dead wood at some point in their lifetimes. See if you can use binoculars, field guides, and online resources to identify what animals are using the dead trees as a home.

For online resources, we recommend Seek app and iNaturalist app. Merlin Bird ID and eBird are good for birds specifically.

Download the worksheet PDF here.

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Tags: Ecosystems

July 6, 2022