Parking passes are required on Saturdays. The Orientation Center and Cafe are open Thursdays – Saturdays. The property is closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.

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Starting a Vegetable Garden

In this video, Community Garden Coordinator, Melissa Almendinger teaches you how to get started on your very own vegetable garden. 

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Jul 6, 2022

This resource is one of our online classes hosted through Zoom that has been recorded and uploaded onto our YouTube channel. Click here for a downloadable copy of the presentation. 

In this video, Community Garden Coordinator, Melissa Almendinger teaches you how to get started on your very own vegetable garden.

About 40% of the produce in the US was grown on backyard soils when “victory gardens” became popular during the second world war. The interest in gardening is resurging and we couldn’t be happier! Backyard gardening is not only a great way to feed your family healthy, organic food but it is excellent exercise, a great way to get more outdoor time, and a way for the whole family to work together. Join us for this virtual lesson to learn how to set up a backyard garden of any size and get growing today!

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Tags: Sustainability

July 6, 2022