Parking passes are required on Saturdays. The Orientation Center and Cafe are open Thursdays – Saturdays. The property is closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays.

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A constructed wetland.


Sustainability September: Constructed Wetlands

What is a sustainable way to deal with human waste? This tricky question doesn't have a simple answer. At Duke Farms, we use a natural solution: constructed wetlands. The waste and wastewater from the Farm Barn Orientation Center is filtered through natural systems and sent back into the land through the wetlands, where it can be used to enrich the surrounding habitats for flora and fauna to thrive. Learn more about the fascinating wetlands system that keeps the Duke Farms facilities running cleanly and smoothly.

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Ecosystems , Sustainability

Sep 6, 2022

“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.”

Foreword, A Sand County Almanac

Sustainability September will highlight how Duke Farms serves as a model of environmental stewardship and ways that you can infuse practices in your home, community, and workplace that encourage a cleaner greener life for generations to come while also combating climate change.

What is a sustainable way to deal with human waste? This tricky question doesn't have a simple answer. At Duke Farms, we use a natural solution: constructed wetlands. The waste and wastewater from the Farm Barn Orientation Center is filtered through natural systems and sent back into the land through the wetlands, where it can be used to enrich the surrounding habitats for flora and fauna to thrive. Learn more about the fascinating wetlands system that keeps the Duke Farms facilities running cleanly and smoothly.

Download the full PDF here.

This resource was created by Joanne Vogel and Kate Reilly.

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Tags: Ecosystems , Sustainability

September 6, 2022