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Wolf spider on a dirt patch


Virtual Creature Festival: Wolf Spider

The wolf spider is a tablespoon-sized arachnid with a terrifying appearance - thankfully, they're not nearly as threatening as they seem. These large spiders, like many of our other eight-legged critters, are misunderstood and not aggressive. There are over 200 species of wolf spiders in the US. They're all prolific insect hunters, making them great population control for insects we consider pests. Learners will get to know what spiders bring to the table when it comes to sharing spaces.

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Oct 6, 2022

During the month of October, we will explore the world of NJ’s creepy-crawly fauna and flora and things that go bump, squawk, grunt, (or even stay silent) in the night and day! Also, remember to check out Duke Farms Eventbrite for a wide array of virtual programs to learn more about NJ’s best bears, bats, bobcats, beautiful amphibians, reptiles, as well as other important oozy critters and the concern about climate change’s already negative impact on their future.

As we open the door to October…

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many and quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more.”

Remember this poem? Maybe this is who is knocking at your door to welcome you to the Duke Farms Virtual Creature Fest!

The wolf spider is a tablespoon-sized arachnid with a terrifying appearance - thankfully, they're not nearly as threatening as they seem. These large spiders, like many of our other eight-legged critters, are misunderstood and not aggressive. There are over 200 species of wolf spiders in the US. They're all prolific insect hunters, making them great population control for insects we consider pests. Learners will get to know what spiders bring to the table when it comes to sharing spaces.

Download the full PDF here.

This resource was created by Joanne Vogel and Kate Reilly.

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Tags: Wildlife

October 6, 2022